Air quality is a growing concern among homeowners since the air is considered almost 70% more polluted than the outdoor air. How is this possible? We are recycling the same, stale, dirty air in our household over and over again. Getting the HVAC and ductwork regularly cleaned does help somewhat, but indoor air quality technology is needed to go one step further.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions from Daniell Heat & Air
Let’s face it, we are indoors most of our day. It is actually estimated that Americans are inside around 90% of the time. That is a long time to be breathing in inferior indoor air conditions. The inside air needs to become a priority. At Daniell Heat & Air we make it simple to prioritize your health by offering a vast catalog of options. Choose a HEPA, Media, or Electronic Air Cleaner to efficiently and quickly tackle the issue with dust. Is cleanliness a concern and germs? Consider calling our number for Ultraviolet Treatment Systems, Bipolar ionization, and duct sanitation. We pride ourselves on our extensive IAQ options in Hot Springs National Park, Royal, Rockwell, Piney, Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, Mountain Pine, Pearcy, Jessieville, and Pleasant Hill, AR.
Humidifiers, Air Purifiers, and More
Sometimes the level of moisture in the home is a concern. Too dry of air leads to static that is annoying to the homeowner but also detrimental to electronics. Dry air leads to chapped lips, bloody noses, dry skin, and feeling uncomfortable during the winter season. At Daniell Heat & Air, we offer both steam and bypass humidifiers to tackle this issue right away. Adding moisture to the air quality has proven to make the house feel warmer and save energy by lowering the thermostat.